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Brand new, with a gray beard


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In this months issue of Electronic Products (and, truth be told, in many issues this past 12 or more months), you'll find several references to the Internet of Things, or IoT. For instance, what seems to me to be one of the more interesting symposia at the Sensors Expo show, Making the Internet of Things a Reality: A Toolkit for Designing "Smart," is discussed in the Outlook section of this issue. The IoT acronym has largely taken the place of MTM (Machine to Machine) as a way of describing technology that makes possible the direct, intelligent interaction among electronics and electromechanical systems without human intervention. Unlike MTM, what the term IoT recognizes is the key role of the Internet in making the interaction occur. In his blog, Eliot Lear's Ramblings, Lear - the Principle Engineer and self-described "unofficial Corporate Irritant" at Cisco - states that the Internet Protocol (IP) is "the only common protocol above which and below which all other protocols sit." Thus it is the thing that allows all kinds of systems to talk with each other, which indeed is what the name implies.
机译:在本月的《电子产品》(实际上,在过去12个月或更长时间的许多期刊中)中,您会找到一些有关物联网或物联网的参考。例如,在本期的Outlook部分中讨论了在我看来,这是Sensors Expo展会上最有趣的专题讨论会之一,即使物联网成为现实:一种用于设计“智能”的工具包。 IoT的首字母缩写词已在很大程度上取代了MTM(机器对机器),它是一种描述技术的方法,该技术使电子和机电系统之间的直接,智能交互成为可能,而无需人工干预。与MTM不同,物联网(IoT)这个术语所识别的是Internet在进行交互中的关键作用。在他的博客中,Eliot Lear的Ramblings Lear –思科的首席工程师和自我描述的“非官方公司刺激物” –指出Internet协议(IP)是“唯一的通用协议,所有其他协议都位于其上方和下方”。因此,正是这种东西允许各种系统相互通信,这确实是名称所暗示的。



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