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Visual Interface Design for Digital Cultural Heritage: A Guide to Rich-prospect Browsing


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Prospect is a concept first articulated in the context of landscape painting where it was used to theorise about the aesthetic appeal of paintings which suggest unimpeded opportunities to survey the landscape or for way-finding. Affordances are properties of an object or of the environment which, when perceived, provide an opportunity for action. Ruecker, Radzikowska, and Sinclair draw on these two concepts to develop a theoretical foundation for developing and testing experimental interfaces which explore how people's experiences in working with digital collections and documents can be enhanced. They have been working with this theory for the past decade and have refined both the theory and their interface designs as a result of their experimentation. This book reports their findings to date and identifies issues requiring further investigation. While search interfaces are well suited to situations where people are looking for a well-defined target document, they provide relatively few affordances for those who need to explore a dataset in more nuanced ways and are especially limited when useful information exists in the relationships between documents, rather than in the documents themselves. Rich prospect browsers provide a different kind of environment enabling overviews of entire collections, opportunities for pattern recognition, and affordances which enable users to manipulate and explore collections in many different ways.
机译:前景是在山水画中最先提出的概念,用于将绘画的美学吸引力理论化,这暗示了无限制的机会来调查风景或寻找道路。负担是物体或环境的属性,当被感知时,它们提供了行动的机会。 Ruecker,Radzikowska和Sinclair借鉴了这两个概念,为开发和测试实验界面奠定了理论基础,从而探索了如何增强人们使用数字馆藏和文档的经验。在过去的十年中,他们一直在使用该理论,并通过实验对理论和界面设计进行了完善。本书报告了迄今为止的发现,并确定了需要进一步调查的问题。虽然搜索界面非常适合人们正在寻找定义明确的目标文档的情况,但对于需要以更加细致入微的方式浏览数据集的人而言,搜索界面提供的服务相对较少,特别是当文档之间的关系中存在有用信息时,搜索界面尤其受限制,而不是文件本身。潜在客户丰富的浏览器提供了一种不同的环境,使您可以概览整个集合,模式识别的机会以及能力,从而使用户能够以多种不同方式来操纵和探索集合。



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