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Online double auction mechanism for perishable goods


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One-sided auctions are used for market clearing in the spot markets for perishable goods because production cost in spot markets is already "sunk.'' Moreover, the promptness and simplicity of one-sided auctions are beneficial for trading in perishable goods. However, sellers cannot participate in the price-making process in these auctions. A standard double auction market collects bids from traders and matches the higher bids of buyers and lower bids of sellers to find the most efficient allocation, assuming that the value of unsold items remains unchanged. Nevertheless, in the market for perishable goods, sellers suffer a loss when they fail to sell their goods, because their salvage values are lost when the goods perish. To solve this problem, we investigate the suitable design of an online double auction for perishable goods, where bids arrive dynamically with their time limits. Our market mechanism aims at improving the profitability of traders by reducing trade failures in the face of uncertainty of incoming/departing bids. We develop a heuristic market mechanism with an allocation policy that prioritizes bids of traders based on their time-criticality, and evaluate its performance experimentally using multi-agent simulation. We find out that our market mechanism realizes efficient and fair allocations among traders with approximately truthful behavior in different market situations. (C) 2014 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
机译:单面拍卖用于在易腐货物的现货市场中进行市场清算,因为现货市场的生产成本已经“沉没”。此外,单面拍卖的及时性和简便性有利于易腐货物的交易。卖方不能参与这些拍卖的价格制定过程,标准的双重拍卖市场从交易商那里收集出价,并匹配较高的买方出价和较低的卖方出价,以找到最有效的分配方式,前提是未售商品的价值保持不变。然而,在易腐货物市场中,卖方由于未能及时出售货物而蒙受了损失,因为当货物腐烂时其残值会损失,为解决这个问题,我们研究了针对易腐货物的在线双拍卖的合适设计出价随时间限制动态到达的商品我们的市场机制旨在通过减少交易中的交易失败来提高交易者的盈利能力进/出投标的不确定性。我们开发了一种具有分配策略的启发式市场机制,该策略根据交易者的时间紧迫程度对其进行优先排序,并使用多主体仿真实验性地评估其表现。我们发现,我们的市场机制可以在不同市场情况下以近似真实的行为实现交易者之间的有效和公平分配。 (C)2014 Elsevier B. V.保留所有权利。



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