首页> 外文期刊>Electrical Engineers, Proceedings of the Institution of >Measurements of transmission loss at high frequencies over 960 km temperate-latitude path

Measurements of transmission loss at high frequencies over 960 km temperate-latitude path

机译:测量960 km温带路径上的高频传输损耗

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Signal strengths measured at a number of frequencies over a short-range (960 km) path between Lerwick, Shetland Islands, and Slough, England, are compared with those given by two well known prediction methods. Some of the assumptions inherent in the predictions, and their limitations when applied to the path under review, are examined. Suggestions are made for amendments to the methods. The measured signal-strength data are used to test the validity of wave-polarisation calculations and to give estimates of the ionospheric absorption for comparison with the absorptions indicated by the prediction methods.
机译:将在设得兰群岛的勒威克和英格兰的斯劳之间的短距离(960 km)路径上在多个频率上测得的信号强度与两种众所周知的预测方法进行了比较。检验了预测中固有的一些假设以及将其应用于审查路径时的局限性。提出了修改方法的建议。测得的信号强度数据用于测试波极化计算的有效性,并给出电离层吸收率的估计值,以便与预测方法指示的吸收率进行比较。



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