首页> 外文期刊>Electrical Engineers, Journal of the Institution of >Radio direction-finding on wavelengths between 6 and 10 metres (frequencies 50 to 30 Mc/sec.)

Radio direction-finding on wavelengths between 6 and 10 metres (frequencies 50 to 30 Mc/sec.)

机译:在6至10米(频率50至30 Mc / sec。)之间的波长上进行无线电定向



The following paper describes the development of simple experimental direction-finders for wavelengths between 6 and 10 metres, and their use in an investigation of the accuracy of direction-finding on these wavelengths. It is shown that the inherent accuracy of the instruments is well within the limits of ? 2?, while their sensitivity is sufficient for observation on an experimental 50-watt transmitter at ranges up to 22 miles over flat ground. Bearings have also been taken on signals emanating from London television transmitters, blindlanding beacons, and also from commercial and amateur transmitting stations some 3 000 miles away. Detailed experiments have shown that the site on which the direction-finder is used must be clear of obstacles, particularly trees and vertical wires, for a radius of at least 50 to 100 yards; and there are indications that similar conditions are necessary for the site of the transmitter. When such conditions are satisfied, the bearings observed at distances up to 22 miles from the transmitter may be in error by as much as 8?, although in the majority of cases the error was less than 2?. Such errors tend to diminish in magnitude as the range increases, and they may or may not be affected by small changes in position of the direction-finder, by changes in frequency of the transmitter, or in the orientation of the transmitting aerial. For a given set of conditions the changes in bearings observed from day to day do not exceed about 2? for ranges of 20 miles, although in some long-distance observations made on signals from American stations at a range of 3 000 miles the variations in bearings were much larger. A brief study has been made of the behaviour of the loop direction-finder when horizontally polarized waves are emitted at the transmitting station. It is shown that the errors experienced in this case can be almost entirely eliminated by the use of a rotating spaced vertical aerial arrangement in place of the loop. The evidence resu-nlting from the use of this Adcock type of direction-finder indicates that the errors with the loop set are due to the reception of horizontally polarized waves.
机译:以下论文描述了用于6至10米波长的简单实验测向仪的开发及其在调查这些波长上的测向精度方面的用途。结果表明,仪器的固有精度完全在?的范围内。 2 ?,尽管它们的灵敏度足以在平坦地面上长达22英里的实验50瓦发射机上进行观测。伦敦电视发射器,盲目信标以及大约3 000英里外的商业和业余发射台发出的信号也受到了影响。详细的实验表明,使用测向仪的地点必须无障碍物,尤其是树木和垂直电线,半径至少为50至100码。并有迹象表明,发射器所在位置也需要类似的条件。当满足这些条件时,在距变送器最远22英里处观察到的轴承误差可能高达8 ?,尽管在大多数情况下,误差小于2?。随着距离的增加,这种误差的大小趋于减小,并且它们可能受到或可能不受测向仪位置的微小变化,发射机频率的变化或发射机天线的方向的影响。对于给定的一组条件,每天观察到的轴承变化不超过约2?。在20英里范围内,尽管根据美国电台在3000英里范围内的信号进行的长距离观测,轴承的变化要大得多。对在发射站发射水平极化波时环路测向仪的行为进行了简要研究。结果表明,通过使用旋转间隔的垂直架空装置代替环路,几乎可以完全消除这种情况下遇到的误差。使用这种Adcock类型的测向仪得到的证据表明,环路设置的误差是由于接收了水平极化波而引起的。



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