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Energy Efficiency Gets A Green Light At NECA 2008 Chicago

机译:能源效率在NECA 2008芝加哥获得批准

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According to a recent report from the American Institute of Architects, programs designed to encourage more environmentally friendly building construction have grown by 400 percent in U.S. cities since 2003. The movement toward more green building has gained considerable momentum as politicians, city officials and builders focus on the degree to which buildings and their construction contribute to greenhouse gases. This report and many others like it are a clear indication that green building is the leading trend shaping construction and design these days, and NECA 2008 Chicago, October 4-7, will provide electrical contractors with tools to help customers meet their own green building goals, whether in achieving Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, making buildings more energy efficient, or using renewable energy technology in construction projects.
机译:根据美国建筑师协会的最新报告,自2003年以来,旨在鼓励更环保的建筑的计划在美国城市中增长了400%。随着政界人士,城市官员和建筑商的关注,向更绿色建筑发展的趋势获得了可观的动力。建筑物及其构造对温室气体的贡献程度。该报告及许多类似报告清楚地表明,绿色建筑已成为当今引领潮流的建筑和设计趋势,NECA 2008芝加哥,10月4日至7日将为电气承包商提供工具,帮助客户实现自己的绿色建筑目标,无论是获得能源和环境设计(LEED)领导力认证,提高建筑物的能源效率,还是在建筑项目中使用可再生能源技术。



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