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Clean Power Plan Rules, but Utility Industry Faces Plenty of Regulatory Edicts in 2015


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Historic might be the best way to describe the pace of legislative and regulatory events focused on utilities in 2015. Plenty happened that should dramatically affect the power industry for decades to come. First and foremost, of course, was the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) final release of its Clean Power Plan. Years in the making, the set of targets compels states to decrease power plants' CO_2 emissions an overall 32 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. The Clean Power Plan commanded so much attention that relatively little notice was given to other congressional work affecting the industry, perhaps because those are still pending. The Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2015 and the Coal Combustion Residuals Regulation Act of 2015 have gained some support but not yet (as of press time) by both chambers nor President Obama's signature. Below is a breakdown of the possible impacts of those developments.
机译:描述2015年针对公用事业的立法和监管事件的步伐可能是最好的历史方法。发生了很多事,这将在未来几十年内极大地影响电力行业。当然,首先也是最重要的是美国环境保护局(EPA)最终发布了《清洁电力计划》。经过数年的制定,这一系列目标迫使各州将到2030年将电厂的CO_2排放量总体上比2005年降低32%。《清洁电力计划》引起了人们的极大关注,因此很少有人关注影响国会的其他国会工作,也许是因为这些仍在等待中。 2015年的《能源政策现代化法案》和2015年的《煤炭燃烧残余物管制法案》已经获得了一些支持,但尚未获得(截至发稿时)两院和奥巴马总统的签名。以下是这些进展可能产生的影响的细分。



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