首页> 外文期刊>Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety >Distribution of naphthenic acids in tissues of laboratory-exposed fish and in wild fishes from near the Athabasca oil sands in Alberta, Canada

Distribution of naphthenic acids in tissues of laboratory-exposed fish and in wild fishes from near the Athabasca oil sands in Alberta, Canada


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Naphthenic acids, which have a variety of commercial applications, occur naturally in conventional crude oil and in highly biodegraded petroleum such as that found in the Athabasca oil sands in Alberta, Canada. Oil sands extraction is done using a caustic aqueous extraction process. The alkaline pH releases the naphthenic acids from the oil sands and dissolves them into water as their soluble naphthenate forms, which are anionic surfactants. These aqueous extracts contain concentrations of naphthenates that are acutely lethal to fishes and other aquatic organisms. Previous research has shown that naphthenic acids can be taken up by fish, but the distribution of these acids in various tissues of the fish has not been determined. In this study, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were exposed to commercial (Merichem) naphthenic acids in the laboratory. After a 10-d exposure to approximately 3 mg naphthenic acids/L, the fish were dissected and samples of gills, heart, liver, kidney, muscle, and eggs were extracted and analyzed for free (unconjugated) naphthenic acids by a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method. Each of the tissues contained naphthenic acids and non-parametric statistical analyses showed that gills and livers contained higher concentrations than the muscles and that the livers had higher concentrations than the hearts. Four different species offish (two fish of each species) were collected from the Athabasca River near two oil sands mining and extraction operations. No free naphthenic acids were detected in the muscle or liver of these fish.
机译:环烷酸具有多种商业用途,天然存在于常规原油和高度生物降解的石油中,例如加拿大艾伯塔省阿萨巴斯卡油砂中发现的环烷酸。油砂的提取是使用苛性碱水提取工艺完成的。碱性pH值从油砂中释放出环烷酸,并将其以可溶性环烷酸酯形式溶于阴离子水中,并溶解在水中。这些水提物含有一定浓度的环烷酸盐,对鱼类和其他水生生物具有致命的杀伤力。先前的研究表明,环烷酸可被鱼吸收,但尚未确定这些酸在鱼的各种组织中的分布。在这项研究中,虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)在实验室中暴露于商业(Merichem)环烷酸中。在约3 mg环烷酸/ L暴露10天后,将鱼切开,提取of,心脏,肝脏,肾脏,肌肉和卵的样品,并通过气相色谱分析游离(未结合)的环烷酸-质谱法。每个组织都包含环烷酸,非参数统计分析表明,ill和肝脏的浓度高于肌肉,肝脏的浓度高于心脏。在两个油砂开采和提取作业附近的阿萨巴斯卡河收集了四种不同的鱼类(每种鱼类两种)。在这些鱼的肌肉或肝脏中未检测到游离的环烷酸。



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