首页> 外文期刊>Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety >Improvement of cyanobacterial-killing biologically derived substances (BDSs) using an ecologically safe and cost-effective naphthoquinone derivative

Improvement of cyanobacterial-killing biologically derived substances (BDSs) using an ecologically safe and cost-effective naphthoquinone derivative


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In previous studies, naphthoquinone (NQ) compounds have been shown to be effective, selective, and ecologically safe algicides for controlling harmful algal blooming species (HABs) or winter bloom species, such as Stephanodiscus hantzschii However, there are no reports on NQ-based algicides for use with cyanobacterial blooming species. In this study, we developed 31 NQ compounds to investigate algicides for mitigating cyanobacterial blooms. In addition, to better apply these compounds in the field, we reduced the number of production steps to develop a cost-effective algicide. In preliminary testing, we screened NQ compounds that showed the best algicidal activity on target cyanobacteria, including Aphanizomenon, Dolichospermum, Microcystis, Oscillatoria, and Nostoc species. The compound NQ 2-0 showed the highest algicidal activity (90%) at a low concentration (>= 1 mu M) on target algae. These were very limiting algicidal effects of 1 mu M NQ 2-0 observed against non-target algae, such as diatoms (Stephanodiscus hantzschii, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Synedra acus, and Aulacoseira granulata) or green algae (Cosmarium biocuiatum and Scenedesmus quadricauda), and the effect did not exceed 15-25% (except against S. quadricauda). NQ 2-0 (1 mu M) showed no eco-toxicity, as represented by the survival rates of Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (100%), Daphnia magna (100%), and Danio rerio (100%). Additionally, a chronic eco-toxicity assessment showed no toxicity toward the survival, growth or reproduction of D. magna. Moreover, NQ 2-0 quickly dissipated from field water samples and had a half-life of approximately 3.2 days. These results suggest that NQ 2-0 could be a selective and ecologically safe algicide to mitigate harmful cyanobacterial blooms.
机译:在以前的研究中,萘醌(NQ)化合物已被证明是有效,选择性和生态安全的杀藻剂,可用于控制有害藻华繁殖物种(HABs)或冬华绽放物种,例如Stephanodiscus hantzschii。但是,目前尚无基于NQ的报道。与蓝藻开花物种一起使用的杀藻剂。在这项研究中,我们开发了31种NQ化合物来研究用于减轻蓝藻水华的杀藻剂。此外,为了更好地将这些化合物应用于该领域,我们减少了开发具有成本效益的杀藻剂的生产步骤。在初步测试中,我们筛选了对目标蓝细菌显示出最佳杀藻活性的NQ化合物,包括Aphanizomenon,Dolichospermum,Microcystis,Oscillatoria和Nostoc物种。化合物NQ 2-0在低浓度(> = 1μM)下对目标藻类显示出最高的杀藻活性(90%)。这些对非目标藻类(如硅藻(Stephanodiscus hantzschii,Cyclotella meneghiniana,Synedra acus和Aulacoseira granulata)或绿藻(Cosmarium biocuiatum和Scenedesmus quadricauda)和非目标藻类观察到的非常有限的1μMNQ 2-0杀藻作用。效果不超过15-25%(针对链球菌除外)。 NQ 2-0(1μM)没有表现出生态毒性,其表现为次假单胞菌(100%),大型蚤(Daphnia magna(100%)和里约热内卢(Danio rerio)(100%)。另外,一项长期的生态毒性评估表明,对D. magna的存活,生长或繁殖没有毒性。此外,NQ 2-0迅速从田间水样中消散,半衰期约为3.2天。这些结果表明,NQ 2-0可能是一种选择性的,生态安全的杀藻剂,可减轻有害的蓝藻繁殖。



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