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Environmental risk assessment: A critical approach of the European TGD in an in situ application


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The aim of this study was to test field relevance of the prospective methodology for the assessment of environmental risk described in the EU technical guidance document (TGD) [European Commission 2003. Technical guidance document in support of Commission Directive 93/67/EEC on Risk assessment for new notified substances and Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 on Risk assessment for existing substances and Commission Directive (EC) 98/8 on biocides, second ed. European Commission, Luxembourg, Part 1, 2 and 3, 760pp.]. To achieve this goal, an environmental risk assessment was performed according to the TGD for two major contaminants, atrazine and diuron, that are present in the Seine River estuary (France) and listed in the EU Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/CE). Results showed that atrazine presented a source of risk in the upper- and mid-estuary throughout the 1993 and 1996 spring seasons. Diuron introduced a risk into the same areas throughout spring periods of 1993-2005. Results are discussed and some suggestions for a more realistic in situ risk assessment are given. For the computation of a more relevant PNEC for pesticides, their specific mode of action should be taken into consideration as well as ecotoxicological data on species endemic to the considered area.
机译:这项研究的目的是测试欧盟技术指南文件(TGD)[欧洲委员会2003年中描述的环境风险评估的前瞻性方法的现场相关性。技术指南文件,支持委员会关于风险的93/67 / EEC指令评估新的指定物质,以及关于现有物质风险评估的委员会法规(EC)1488/94和关于杀生物剂的委员会指令(EC)98/8,第二版。欧洲委员会,卢森堡,第1、2和3部分,第760页。为了实现此目标,根据TGD对塞纳河河口(法国)中存在并列入欧盟水框架指令(指令2000/60 / CE)中的两种主要污染物阿特拉津和敌草隆进行了环境风险评估。 )。结果表明,在整个1993年和1996年春季,阿特拉津在上口和中口均构成了危险源。 Diuron在1993-2005年整个春季期间将风险引入相同地区。讨论了结果,并提出了一些更现实的现场风险评估建议。为了计算与农药更相关的PNEC,应考虑其特定的作用方式以及所考虑地区特有物种的生态毒理学数据。



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