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The slumbering giants awake


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If you had to name the world's largest industry, which would you pick? No, not information technology or telecommunications, nor defence or car manufacturing. Lee Raymond, the chairman of ExxonMobil, has the answer: "Energy is the biggest business in the world; there just isn't any other industry that begins to compare." By the reckoning of Booz, Allen & Hamilton, a consultancy, the turnover of the global energy business amounts to at least $1.7 trillion-$2 trillion a year. The World Energy Council, an umbrella body for various energy interests, estimates that global investment in energy between 1990 and 2020 will total some $30 trillion at 1992 prices. And it is not just size that distinguishes the industry, says Mr Raymond: "Energy is the very fuel of society, and societies without access to competitive energy suffer."
机译:如果您必须命名世界上最大的行业,您会选择哪一个?不,不是信息技术或电信,也不是国防或汽车制造业。埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)董事长李·雷蒙德(Lee Raymond)回答:“能源是世界上最大的业务;没有其他行业可以与之相比。”根据顾问公司Booz,Allen&Hamilton的估算,全球能源业务的营业额每年至少达到1.7万亿至2万亿美元。世界能源理事会是各种能源利益的保护机构,估计按1990年价格计算,1990年至2020年全球能源投资总额约为30万亿美元。雷蒙德先生说,不仅是行业,而且规模也不同:“能源是社会的燃料,无法获得竞争性能源的社会会遭受苦难。”



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