
Labours lost


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"Work expands to fill the time available for its completion." Thus Cyril Northcote Parkinson, who first penned the dictum (in The Economist) in the 1950s, after his experience in Britain's bureaucracy. Parkinson was more historian than economist, but his first law of work has struck more of a chord with office drones than any formal economic theory. What would he think of a main plank of the outgoing French socialist government's economic policy: its 35-hour work-week? France's 35-hour law came into effect two years ago, imposing some of the shortest working hours in the world. It requires French companies to pay 39 hours' worth of wages for 35 hours of work. France's workers might now be the envy of the world. Does the French model, though, make for good economics? The answer is no-but it comes with a silver lining.
机译:“工作正在扩展,以填补完成任务所需的时间。”因此,西里尔·诺斯科特·帕金森(Cyril Northcote Parkinson)曾在英国的官僚制工作后,于1950年代首次写下该格言。帕金森比经济学家更像是历史学家,但他的第一份工作定律比任何正式的经济理论更能激起办公室无人机的共鸣。他如何看待即将卸任的法国社会主义政府的经济政策:每周工作35小时?法国的35小时法律是两年前生效的,规定了世界上最短的工作时间。它要求法国公司为35个小时的工作支付39个小时的工资。法国的工人现在可能会羡慕整个世界。但是,法国模式是否有利于创造良好的经济效益?答案是否定的,但带有一线希望。



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