
Rising again?


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It all began, explains Shigeyoshi Ki-oshita, with the family kimono shop. After the second world war, when many Japanese were short of cash, people would ask to borrow money against their kimonos. With his expert eye, Mr Kinoshita's father knew how much to lend. Thus the family moved into pawnbroking, and later into unsecured consumer loans. In the early days, credit-risk assessment was based largely on trust. Now it is more sophisticated, and remarkably speedy. Applicants for loans can go to automatic booths, where their faces are recorded on camera and their documents are scanned. If their applications are approved, a plastic card that allows them to draw cash from ATMS is issued on the spot. Mr Kinoshita's business grew into Acom, Japan's second-biggest consumer-finance company. About 70% of its borrowers are men, mostly spending the money on leisure and entertainment. They often keep their borrowing secret from their nearest and dearest. Borrowing is still stigmatised, and the industry has a shady reputation. The boss of Takefuji, the biggest consumer-finance outfit, recently pleaded guilty to wiretapping.
机译:Shigeyoshi Ki-oshita解释说,这一切始于家庭和服商店。第二次世界大战后,当许多日本人缺乏现金时,人们会要求用和服借钱。木下先生的父亲凭着专家的眼光知道可以借多少钱。因此,这个家庭进入了典当行,后来又获得了无抵押的消费贷款。早期,信用风险评估主要基于信任。现在,它变得更加复杂,而且速度非常快。贷款申请人可以去自动售货亭,在那里他们的脸被记录在相机上,而文件也被扫描。如果他们的申请被批准,将在现场发行一张塑料卡,允许他们从ATMS提取现金。 Kinoshita先生的业务成长为日本第二大消费金融公司Acom。它的借款人中约有70%是男性,主要将钱花在休闲和娱乐上。他们经常对自己最亲近的人保密自己的借贷秘密。借贷仍然受到污名化,并且该行业声誉不佳。最大的消费金融公司武富士的老板最近对窃听认罪。



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