
Grey power


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Philipp missfelder is a tall, earnest 24-year-old, head of the youth organisation of Germany's Christian Democrats (CDU). Last August, he gave an interview in which he said that the health system would change over the next 30 years. Old people were living off future generations, and would eventually have to carry more of the cost of their own medical treatment, including hip replacements. "Before the interview, I was a normal student politician," he says wistfully. In the five days after it was published, he re-ceived 80 death threats. The police took them seriously enough to put a guard on his flat, his office and his parents' home. Furious letters still pour into the office of the CDU youth organisation. But its membership has risen, by 3,000, for the first time in 20 years. Young members of rival parties, the Social Democrats and the Greens, have been in touch. "I think I have hit a nerve with my generation," he says.
机译:菲利普·米斯费尔德(Philipp Missfelder)是一位高大,认真的24岁男孩,是德国基督教民主党(CDU)青年组织的负责人。去年八月,他接受了采访,他说卫生系统将在未来30年内发生变化。老年人靠后代为生,最终将不得不承担更多自己的医疗费用,包括髋关节置换手术。 “在面试之前,我是一名普通的学生政治家,”他渴望地说道。出版后的五天内,他收到了80例死亡威胁。警察对他们采取了足够的认真态度,以在他的公寓,他的办公室和他父母的家中放一个警卫。愤怒的信件仍然涌入基民盟青年组织的办公室。但是它的成员人数是20年来首次增加了3,000。敌对政党的年轻成员,社会民主党和绿党一直保持着联系。他说:“我认为我对我们这一代人感到不安。”



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