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Lexington: Hold the champagne


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Talk about trouble coming not in single spies but in battalions. For much of his first term, almost everything that George Bush touched turned to political gold. He even managed to parlay a badly-handled war in Iraq into a vote winner. But now almost everything he touches turns to dust. The Democrats are quietly jubilant. They are seizing every chance they can get-and there are plenty of them—to brand the Republicans as the party of "corruption and cronyism". They seem to be recruiting good candidates for next year's elections. Some even wonder whether 2006 may be their equivalent of 1994—when the Republicans won 52 seats in the House and nine in the Senate, ending 40 years of Democratic rule. They should hold the champagne. Parties don't win elections just because their rivals hit a rough patch. They win them because they win the battle of ideas, because they think ahead and cook up cogent policies, because they offer a positive vision of the future. Bill Clinton did this brilliantly in 1992. Tony Blair did it even more brilliantly in 1997. But, so far, not the Democrats.
机译:谈论麻烦不是单身间谍,而是营地。在他的第一个任期的大部分时间里,乔治·布什(George Bush)接触的几乎所有东西都变成了政治黄金。他甚至设法将对伊拉克的一场处理不当的战争变成了投票人。但是现在,他接触的几乎所有东西都变成了尘土。民主党人欣喜若狂。他们正在抓住一切可能的机会,并且有很多机会将共和党人打造成“腐败与裙带关系”政党。他们似乎正在为明年的选举招募优秀候选人。有人甚至怀疑2006年是否与1994年相当-共和党赢得了众议院52个席位和参议院9个席位,从而结束了40年的民主统治。他们应该拿着香槟。政党之所以不能赢得选举,只是因为他们的竞争对手遇到了困难。他们之所以会赢得胜利,是因为他们赢得了思想战,因为他们具有超前的思维并制定了有力的政策,因为它们为未来提供了积极的愿景。比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)在1992年出色地做到了这一点。托尼·布莱尔(Tony Blair)在1997年就更加出色了。但是到目前为止,还不是民主党人。



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