
August Wilson


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If ever someone, following current fashion, decides to stage all the plays of August Wilson's epic cycle in a single session, the audience is in for a treat—and an endurance test. The cycle consists of ten plays, each set in a different decade of the 20th century. Long before the series was com-plete-"Radio Golf", the last piece to be written, was finished only this year-Mr Wilson had been hailed as one of America's greatest playwrights, in a pantheon with such masters as Arthur Miller, Eugene O'Neill and Tennessee Williams. It is too soon to say whether Mr Wilson will in the end hold his own against such talents, or whether he will be remembered chiefly as a superb dramatist of the collective black-American experience of the 20th century. That would be no small achievement, but it would probably be seen by Mr Wilson as a mark of failure. He believed that, though the world he portrayed was indeed the world of black America, or rather the much smaller world of the Hill district of Pittsburgh in which he grew up, nonetheless his plays dealt with the universal themes of beauty, love, honour, betrayal and so on.
机译:如果有人按照目前的方式决定在一次会议中上演奥古斯特·威尔逊(August Wilson)史诗般的周期的所有戏剧,那么观众就可以享受一种待遇,并进行一次耐力测试。该循环包含十个剧本,每个剧本都设置在20世纪的不同年代。在该系列尚未完成之前很久就完成了最后一部作品《无线电高尔夫》,直到今年才完成。威尔逊先生被誉为美国最伟大的剧作家之一,在万神殿中与亚瑟·米勒,尤金等大师合影。奥尼尔和田纳西·威廉姆斯。现在还不能说威尔逊先生到底会坚持自己的才能来对抗这种才华,还是将他作为主要的20世纪黑人集体经验的杰出戏剧家而被人们铭记还为时过早。这将是不小的成就,但威尔逊先生可能会将其视为失败的标志。他相信,尽管他所描绘的世界确实是美国黑人的世界,或更确切地说是他长大的匹兹堡希尔区的一个较小的世界,但他的剧本却涉及美,爱,荣誉,背叛等等。



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