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Sound and fury, signifying little


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Now and again, French reality can surpass the wildest imaginings of fiction. The nation has just lived through ten days that felt like a series of scenes from a poorly-made B-movie: a hijacked ferry, a helicopter rescue mission, abseiling commandos, balaclava-clad rioters, and at least 1m people taking to the streets to chant angry slogans and let off steam. The common theme in all these events is union-led protest—against privatisation, the lack of job security and low wages. But behind the theatrics, measuring the real ability of the trade unions to influence events is somewhat more difficult. Two separate protests underlie the recent wave of eye-catching dramas. One is over the future of SNCM, a loss-making state ferry fleet which links the island of Corsica with the French mainland. In mid-September, when it emerged that the government planned to sell the whole company, unions reacted angrily. They blockaded ports, briefly kidnapped the company's boss, seized a ferry and then set sail from Marseilles. In a ten-minute raid, commandos retook the ferry. Despite a government promise to keep 25% of the firm, protests and blockades spread to Corsica's ports, such as Ajaccio and Bastia: thousands of bewildered travellers were stranded, and riot police were called in to get the ships going.
机译:法国现实一次又一次地超过了最荒诞的小说想象。这个国家刚刚度过了整整十天,感觉就像是一部制作不佳的B电影的一系列场景:劫持的渡轮,直升机救援任务,吊带突击队员,巴拉克拉法衣穿着的暴徒,以及至少100万人上街喊出愤怒的口号并散发出蒸汽。在所有这些事件中,共同的主题是工会领导的抗议活动–反对私有化,缺乏工作保障和低工资。但是在戏剧之后,衡量工会影响事件的真实能力要困难一些。最近发生的一系列引人注目的戏剧引起了两次单独的抗议活动。其中之一是SNCM的未来,SNCM是亏损的国家渡轮船队,将科西嘉岛与法国大陆连接在一起。 9月中旬,当政府计划出售整个公司的消息浮出水面时,工会做出了愤怒的反应。他们封锁了港口,短暂绑架了公司的老板,抓住了渡轮,然后从马赛起航。在十分钟的突袭中,突击队撤回了渡轮。尽管政府承诺保留该公司25%的股份,但抗议活动和封锁仍蔓延到科西嘉岛的港口,例如阿雅克修和巴斯蒂亚:成千上万迷惑的旅行者被困,防暴警察被叫来使船只驶离。



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