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Predicting the unpredictable


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The explosions in London on July 7th were an awful reminder of how difficult it is to predict such events. Yet specialists in the insurance market try to do just that, using computers to simulate the effects of explosions so that insurance can be priced. They are experts in terrorism insurance, striving to make their models quantify the threat to commercial interests. The market has already seen, among other things, political terrorism in Colombia and the bomb blast in Bali in 2002. Ascot, a syndicate at Lloyd's of London, paid a claim earlier this year on a Beirut property damaged in the explosion that killed Rafik Hariri, a Lebanese politician. Most risk experts balk, though, at the mention of attacks with chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) weapons. "We don'tfeel we've got a cheque big enough to pay for that eventuality," says Stephen Ashwell of Hiscox, another Lloyd's syndicate that writes terrorism-risk policies.
机译:7月7日在伦敦发生的爆炸提醒人们,很难预料此类事件的发生。然而,保险市场的专家试图通过使用计算机模拟爆炸的影响来做到这一点,以便对保险定价。他们是恐怖主义保险方面的专家,致力于使他们的模型量化对商业利益的威胁。市场已经看到了哥伦比亚的政治恐怖主义和2002年巴厘岛发生的炸弹爆炸。此外,伦敦劳埃德集团的阿斯科特(Ascot)于今年早些时候就贝鲁特一家财产索赔,该财产在爆炸中被炸毁,炸死拉菲克·哈里里(Rafik Hariri) ,一位黎巴嫩政治家。但是,大多数风险专家在提及使用化学,生物,放射和核武器的攻击时都表示反对。劳埃德(Lloyd)另一个编写恐怖主义风险政策的联合组织Hiscox的斯蒂芬•阿什威尔(Stephen Ashwell)说:“我们感觉自己支票不够大,无法支付这种可能性。



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