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Goodbye guns, hello golf


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"Some have asked", said Donald Rumsfeld this week, "why we are proposing any base closures during a time of war. The answer is because these changes are essential to helping us win this war." And, of course, it makes financial sense. Closing 33 big bases and cutting back another 150 facilities should save the Pentagon close to $50 billion over the next two decades. Correct or not, the defence secretary's reasoning is about to be attacked by state and local governments across the country. They have until early September to convince the independent Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC) that their particular bits of America's vast military empire must be preserved from Rummy's axe. In the four previous BRAC rounds, the commission has approved 85% of the Defence Department's recommendations. In all likelihood, therefore, that means tough luck for politicians such as Senator Olympia Snowe of Maine, who describes the proposed closure of the Portsmouth naval shipyard, at a cost to the state of 4,510 jobs, as "nothing short of stunning, devastating and, above all, outrageous" (she has a point, since the navy secretary had just praised the shipyard for "a phenomenal record of cost, schedule, quality and safety performance").
机译:唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德(Donald Rumsfeld)本周说:“有些人提出了要求,为什么我们在战争时期建议关闭任何基地。答案是因为这些变化对于帮助我们赢得这场战争至关重要。”并且,当然,这在财务上是有意义的。关闭33个大型基地并削减另外150个设施,将在未来二十年为五角大楼节省近500亿美元。正确与否,国防部长的推理将受到全国各州和地方政府的抨击。他们必须在9月初之前说服独立的基地调整和关闭委员会(BRAC),必须保留他们在美国庞大军事帝国中的特殊地位,以免受到拉米的攻击。在BRAC的前四轮中,委员会已批准了国防部85%的建议。因此,这极有可能给缅因州的参议员奥林匹亚·斯诺(Olympia Snowe)等政客带来好运,后者描述了拟议中的朴茨茅斯海军造船厂的关闭,但要付出4,510个工作岗位的代价,“绝不令人震惊,破坏性和破坏性”。 (最重要的是,这太离谱了)(她有一点很重要,因为海军部长刚刚称赞造船厂“在成本,进度,质量和安全性能方面的惊人记录”)。



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