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With its promise of nearly 50 bills to be brought before Par-liament over the next 18 months, this week's Queen's Speech was billed as a determined attempt by Tony Blair to demonstrate that the loss of his towering majority has done nothing to sap the government's vigour. The programme, said Mr Blair, was "quintessentially New Labour". But to many of the MPS listening, the frenzy of legislative activity spoke more of a prime minister who is desperate to secure his legacy, but who knows his time is running out. Ever since Mr Blair won his third election victory, the talk has been of when he would stand down and how much in his newly straitened circumstances he could get done before he went. Each proposed bill is being carefully inspected for its prospects of surviving the expected rebellions by dissident Labour MPS, any one of which could bring the prime minister crashing down. Those impatient for Mr Blair to go compare his loss of authority to that of John Major after the pound's ejection from Europe's currency system, when he was said to be "in office, but not in power".
机译:托尼•布莱尔(Tony Blair)承诺在未来18个月内将向议会提交近50份法案,本周的女王演讲被认为是试图证明失去他的多数席位并没有削弱政府活力的坚定尝试。 。布莱尔说,该计划是“典型的新劳动”。但是在许多MPS聆听中,对立法活动的狂热更多地表明了一位总理,他迫切希望获得遗产,但他知道自己的时间已经耗尽。自从布莱尔赢得第三次大选胜利以来,人们一直在谈论他什么时候下台,以及在他新近陷入困境的情况下他能在走前做什么。持异议的工党MPS正在仔细检查每一项拟议的法案,以确保其能否幸免于预期的叛乱,其中任何一项都可能导致总理倒台。那些不耐烦的布莱尔先生将他的权力丧失与约翰·梅杰尔(John Major)的权力丧失相比,是英镑从欧洲货币体系中退出后,当时据说他“在职,但没有执政”。



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