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Apres mai, le deluge?


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It was once a nightmare scenario; now it is becoming a working hypothesis. Every one of the 20-odd polls since mid-March suggests the French are set to reject the draft European constitution at their referendum on May 29th, with the "no" vote mobilising 51-58%. The question is increasingly not whether France will say no, but what will happen if it does. The result of the French vote is not a foregone conclusion. One poll this week, by Ipsos for Le Figaro, put the "no" vote at 52%, against 48% for a "yes"-a highly uncertain margin. When asked, in the same poll, not how they would vote but what result they would like to see, 38% hoped for a "no", next to 37% for a "yes": an even finer balance. Moreover, France has plunged itself into a real debate. Political discussions rage constantly on television and the radio; constitutional texts have become unlikely items on the bestseller list.
机译:这曾经是一场噩梦;现在它正在成为一个可行的假设。自3月中旬以来,每20多次民意测验表明,法国人将在5月29日的全民公决中拒绝欧洲宪法草案,以5-158%的赞成票投反对票。问题越来越不是法国是否会拒绝,而是法国会拒绝。法国投票的结果不是定局。益普索(Ipsos)本周对勒·费加罗(Le Figaro)进行的一项民意测验将“否”票定为52%,而对“是”票则定为48%,这是非常不确定的。在同一次民意测验中,当被问及不是投票方式而是想看到什么结果时,有38%的人希望“否”,其次是37%的“是”:甚至更好。此外,法国陷入了一场真正的辩论。电视和广播上的政治讨论不断。宪法文本已不再是畅销书上的项目。



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