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Nice while it lasted


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The economy has done well under Labour. Gordon Brown, the chancellor of the exchequer, can boast a triple triumph of steady growth, low inflation and low unemployment. This record stands in sharp contrast to other big European economies such as Germany. Britain, for so long the poor relation, has become one of the richest countries in Europe. However, not everything that has gone right is because of Mr Brown: the roots of Britain's economic renaissance predate Labour's election victory in 1997. And not everything has gone right: the generally favourable macroeconomic picture has some nasty blemishes, notably an overvalued housing market and a persistent current-account deficit. The economy retains some worrying weak points, especially low productivity; businesses are suffering from the regulatory costs that Labour has heaped on them; and Britain is raising the tax burden whereas the trend in other developed economies is to reduce it.
机译:在工党统治下,经济表现良好。财政大臣戈登·布朗(Gordon Brown)可以拥有稳定增长,低通胀和低失业率的三重胜利。这一记录与德国等其他欧洲大国形成鲜明对比。长期以来,两国关系一直很贫困,英国已成为欧洲最富有的国家之一。然而,并非所有的事情都是因为布朗先生的缘故:英国经济复兴的根源早于工党在1997年大选中获胜。而且并非一切都正确:宏观经济形势总体上有利可图,有一些令人讨厌的污点,尤其是高估的房地产市场和经常账户赤字持续存在。经济仍然存在一些令人担忧的弱点,特别是生产力低下。企业正遭受工党对其施加的监管成本的困扰;英国正在增加税收负担,而其他发达经济体的趋势是减轻税收负担。



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