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Free him, or charge him


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The judge did not mince his words. Henry Floyd, presiding in a district court in South Carolina, ruled this week that President George Bush had greatly exceeded his authority in detaining an American citizen as an enemy combatant for nearly three years without charge or access to a lawyer. The president, he said, had "no power, neither express nor implied, neither constitutional nor statutory" to do so. Judge Floyd, who was appointed to the federal bench by Mr Bush just two years ago, ordered that the American, Jose Padi-lla, be charged with a crime or released within 45 days. "To do otherwise", he said, "would not only offend the rule of law and violate this country's constitutional tradition, but would also be a betrayal of this nation's commitment to the separation of powers."
机译:法官没有轻声细语。主持南卡罗来纳州地方法院的亨利·弗洛伊德(Henry Floyd)本周裁定,乔治·布什(George Bush)总统在将美国公民作为敌方战斗人员拘留了近三年而无罪名或没有律师的情况下,已大大超出了他的权限。他说,总统“没有权力,既没有明示或暗示,也没有宪法或法定的权力”。两年前被布什任命为联邦法官的弗洛伊德法官下令对美国人何塞·帕迪拉(Jose Padi-lla)提起诉讼,或在45天内释放。他说:“否则,将不仅违反法治,违反该国的宪法传统,而且将背叛该国对三权分立的承诺。”



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