首页> 外文期刊>Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy >The Economics of Air Pollution in China. Achieving Better and Cleaner Growth

The Economics of Air Pollution in China. Achieving Better and Cleaner Growth


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This is an English version of a book that first appeared in China in 2014. The first remarkable thing about this book is that the main author, Ma Jun, is chief economist at the People's Bank of China. He is an important person in China having, among other things, almost singlehanded introduced a financial instrument like green bonds into the Chinese economy. This of course testifies to the concern Ma Jun has with the state of the environment in general in China. Still, there are not many other countries that have a chief economist in the national bank who seriously worries about environmental matters and moreover steps forward with proposed and practical solutions, some of which are then put in place. Now it turns out that Ma Jun has not been working alone. The book has in fact a number of co-authors who are recognized in the preface and the end notes of the book. They are probably too many all to be mentioned on the front page—therefore this single person attribution of authorship, which in any case probably reflects the source of inspiration and aspiration for the underlying work quite well.



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