首页> 外文期刊>Economic Development Quarterly: The Journal of American Economic Revitalization >Who Benefits More From Manufacturing Foreign Direct Investment? Examining Its Earnings Distribution Effects Across Earnings Quantiles

Who Benefits More From Manufacturing Foreign Direct Investment? Examining Its Earnings Distribution Effects Across Earnings Quantiles


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Although several studies suggest foreign manufacturers in the United States may provide access to good quality employment opportunities with fair compensation and stable benefits, the question of who benefits more from the location of manufacturing foreign direct investment (FDI) remains open. Using the National Establishment Time Series data set and individual earnings data from the American Community Survey Public Use Microdata Sample files, this research conducts a quantile regression to estimate the earnings distribution effects that a concentration of manufacturing FDI may have on different earnings groups in Georgia between 2004 and 2010. The research does not measure inequality directly, but the findings both from place-of-work and place-of-residence earnings analyses suggest strong implications relating to the issue of inequality among people. The concentration of manufacturing FDI in a certain area shows the largest distribution effects on area workers in the lower earnings group and residents in the middle earnings group.
机译:尽管几项研究表明,外国制造商在美国可以提供公平补偿和稳定收益的优质就业机会,但谁能从制造外国直接投资(FDI)的位置中获得更多收益的问题仍然悬而未决。利用美国国家机构时间序列数据集和美国社区调查公共用途微数据样本文件中的个人收入数据,本研究进行了分位数回归,以估算制造业FDI集中可能对佐治亚州不同收入组产生的收入分布影响。 2004年和2010年。这项研究并未直接衡量不平等,但是工作地点和居住地收入分析的结果都暗示了与人际不平等问题相关的强烈含义。制造业FDI集中在某个地区,这对低收入组的区域工人和中等收入组的居民分布影响最大。



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