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The complex nature of headland shrub encroachment: The case of Headland Zieria (Zieria prostrata)

机译:岬角灌木侵蚀的复杂性质:以岬角Zieria(Zieria prostrata)为例

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Headland Zieria (Zieria prostrata) is an endangered species restricted to four headlands with a potential population of 1000 individuals. The species also occurs within the endangered ecological community Themeda grassland on sea cliffs and coastal headlands in the New South Wales North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner Bioregions. Shrub encroachment of native species is perceived as a threatening process within these grasslands, and also to the unique species within them, such as Headland Zieria. Suggested management actions for the community and Headland Zieria include the removal of other shrubs by frequent fire or mechanical means. We conducted a survey and correlative analyses to test the validity of these proposed actions. We provide evidence that Headland Zieria is facilitated by a higher density of nearby shrubs which may provide protection from the elements and decrease competition from other understorey species but is eventually out competed by them when the grassland fully transitions to a Banksia shrubland. We suggest that Headland Zieria is an ecotonal specialist that may require an invasion front of shrubs and/or isolated patches. The implementation of fire and/or over-storey shrub removal may be detrimental where populations of Headland Zieria occur. Our study highlights the need to look more closely at interactions before management actions changing vegetation structure and composition are implemented.
机译:岬角Zieria(Zieria prostrata)是一种濒危物种,仅限于四个岬角,潜在人口为1000。该物种也出现在新南威尔士州北海岸,悉尼盆地和东南角生物区中海崖和沿海岬角上的濒危生态群落特美达草原内。灌木丛入侵本土物种被认为是这些草原及其内地独特物种(如岬角Zieria)的威胁过程。建议对社区和岬角Zieria的管理措施包括通过频繁起火或机械手段清除其他灌木。我们进行了一项调查和相关分析,以测试这些建议措施的有效性。我们提供的证据表明,附近灌木丛的较高密度促进了岬角地区的Zieria的生长,这些灌木丛可提供元素的保护并减少与其他林下物种的竞争,但当草原完全过渡到Banksia灌木丛时,最终将被它们竞争。我们建议Headland Zieria是一名生态专家,可能需要入侵灌木和/或孤立的斑块。在发生岬角Zeeria种群的地方,采取火势和/或清除高耸灌木可能是有害的。我们的研究强调,在改变植被结构和成分的管理措施实施之前,需要更仔细地研究相互作用。



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