首页> 外文期刊>Ecological indicators >Past and future trends in grey water footprints of anthropogenic nitrogen and phosphorus inputs to major world rivers

Past and future trends in grey water footprints of anthropogenic nitrogen and phosphorus inputs to major world rivers


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The grey water footprint (GWF) is an indicator of aquatic pollution. We calculate past and future trends in GWFs related to anthropogenic nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) inputs into major rivers around the world. GWFs were calculated from past, current and future nutrient loads in river basins using the Global NEWS model. We present water pollution levels (WPLs), deduced from GWFs for more than 1000 rivers. The calculated GWFs and WPLs of the different river basins show a large variation among different periods. WPL values generally increased between 1970 and 2000. For the year 2000 about two-thirds of the basins have WPL values exceeding 1 for N or P, indicating that the pollution assimilation capacity has been fully consumed. Even though the other rivers have a WPL < 1, this does not guarantee that at sub-basin level or within particular periods of the year no eutrophication exists. High WPLs are generally found in rivers in tropical-subtropical areas. For dissolved organic N and P, the problems are located mostly in the southern hemisphere. The results indicate that many rivers may become more polluted with dissolved N and P in the future.
机译:灰水足迹(GWF)是水生污染的指标。我们计算了与全球主要河流的人为氮(N)和磷(P)输入有关的GWF的过去和未来趋势。 GWF是使用Global NEWS模型根据流域过去,现在和将来的养分负荷计算得出的。我们介绍了从全球自然基金会估算出的1000多条河流的水污染水平(WPL)。计算得出的不同流域的GWF和WPL在不同时期之间差异很大。 WPL值通常在1970年到2000年之间增加。在2000年,流域的三分之二的N或P的WPL值超过1,表明污染吸收能力已被完全消耗。即使其他河流的WPL <1,也不能保证在次流域水平或一年中的特定时期内不存在富营养化。一般在热带亚热带地区的河流中发现高WPL。对于溶解的有机氮和磷,问题主要在南半球。结果表明,未来许多河流可能会溶解有更多的氮和磷。



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