首页> 外文期刊>Ecological Economics >Buen Vivir (living well) in Ecuador: Community and environmental satisfaction without household material prosperity?

Buen Vivir (living well) in Ecuador: Community and environmental satisfaction without household material prosperity?

机译:厄瓜多尔的Buen Vivir(生活得很好):没有家庭物质繁荣的社区和环境满意度?

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This paper provides a quantitative approach to assessing whether the subjective wellbeing (SWB) of Ecuadorian people is dependent on income and employment or on more distinctive features relating to Buen Vivir ethos. The latter are reflected in the indigenous Buen Vivir ideology, based mainly on relations with the community, the environment and food sovereignty. The empirical analysis shows that both Buen Vivir features and factors such as income and unemployment status are significant in the models explaining SWB. Accordingly, economic policies should take into account the Buen Vivir ethos, that seems to be important for the SWB of the Ecuadorian people. This supports the conservationist political position, which focuses on protecting the environment and people's traditional livelihoods, rather than the extractive view, which regards people's welfare as merely dependent on income.
机译:本文提供了一种定量方法来评估厄瓜多尔人的主观幸福感(SWB)是依赖于收入和就业,还是依赖于与Buen Vivir精神有关的更独特的特征。后者反映在土著Buen Vivir意识形态中,主要基于与社区,环境和粮食主权的关系。实证分析表明,Buen Vivir的特征和诸如收入和失业状况之类的因素在解释SWB的模型中均很重要。因此,经济政策应考虑到布恩维维尔精神,这对厄瓜多尔人民的社会福利局来说似乎很重要。这支持了保护主义的政治立场,该立场侧重于保护环境和人们的传统生计,而不是只把人们的福利仅仅依赖于收入的提取观点。



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