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Searching for a Scientific Paradigm in Ecological Economics: The History of Ecological Economic Thought, 1880s-1930s


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This paper addresses the history of ecological economic thought (EET) in the period between the 1880s and 1930s, with the aim to contribute to a better understanding of the early history of modem ecological economics, as well as to the current position of the discipline in relation to its values, goals, methods and contents. EET is defined as the ideas concerning the interlinkages between ecology and economics and described through the analysis of the flows and stocks of energy and matter, including their economic implications for the processes of social provisioning and cultural development. The diversity of EET is analyzed in terms of dissimilar positions mainly concerning energy as a determinant of cultural development and the normative aspects involving resource distribution, social ideals and policy-making. Social energetics is identified as a foundation of EET. These definitions are then used to argue for the formation of a scientific metaparadigm, falling short of a full-scale Kuhnian scientific paradigm. In addition, insights are drawn concerning paradigm formation in modem ecological economics and how this paradigm formation is related to the on-going debate among ecological economists on the benefits and limits of the adoption of a broad methodological pluralism.
机译:本文介绍了1880年代至1930年代之间的生态经济思想的历史,目的是有助于更好地理解现代生态经济学的早期历史,以及该学科在当今的地位。与它的价值,目标,方法和内容的关系。 EET被定义为关于生态学和经济学之间相互联系的思想,并通过分析能量和物质的流动和存量来描述,包括其对社会供给和文化发展过程的经济影响。 EET的多样性是根据不同的立场进行分析的,这些立场主要涉及能源作为文化发展的决定因素以及涉及资源分配,社会理想和政策制定的规范方面。社会能量学被认为是EET的基础。这些定义随后被用来主张科学元范式的形成,这不足于全面的库恩科学范式。此外,对于现代生态经济学中范式的形成以及这种范式的形成如何与生态经济学家之间就采用广泛的方法论多元论的好处和局限性的持续辩论有关,也有一些见解。



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