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The dilemma of binary or weighted data in interaction networks


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Despite the increasing number of studies dealing with interaction networks in the last few years, there is still a lack of knowledge about how their structural organization are affected by changes in binary or weighted data. To fill this gap, we collected ants foraging on plants with extrafloral nectaries in 10 sites within the Brazilian Amazon to evaluate if the generality, vulnerability, nestedness, and modularity observed in these ant-plant networks could be affected by changes in data categories. Specifically, we used three matrices built by different data categories: (i) binary data (i.e., presence or absence of an interaction between a plant and an ant species); (ii) frequency data (i.e., number of times in which a plant species interacted with an ant species); and (iii) abundance data (i.e., number of workers of an ant species recorded foraging on a plant species). In general, when analyzing different matrix categories, we observed changes in the structural organization of the studied ant-plant interaction networks. Surprisingly, however, at the species level, both categories of weighted data (i.e., frequency and abundance data) seem to be equally appropriate for describing the role of ant species. Our results highlight the need to expand the discussion about data categories in ecological interaction studies to understand how different data categories may lead to different ecological interpretations.
机译:尽管最近几年有关交互网络的研究越来越多,但是仍然缺乏有关二进制或加权数据的变化如何影响其结构组织的知识。为了填补这一空白,我们在巴西亚马逊河内的10个地点收集了在有花蜜的植物上觅食的蚂蚁,以评估这些蚂蚁植物网络中观察到的普遍性,脆弱性,嵌套性和模块性是否会受到数据类别变化的影响。具体而言,我们使用了由不同数据类别构建的三种矩阵:(i)二进制数据(即,植物与蚂蚁物种之间是否存在相互作用); (ii)频率数据(即植物物种与蚂蚁物种相互作用的次数); (iii)丰度数据(即记录在植物物种上觅食的蚂蚁物种的工人数量)。通常,当分析不同的矩阵类别时,我们观察到了所研究的蚂蚁-植物相互作用网络的结构组织的变化。但是,令人惊讶的是,在物种一级,加权数据的两个类别(即频率和丰度数据)似乎同样适合描述蚂蚁物种的作用。我们的结果强调了有必要扩大生态相互作用研究中有关数据类别的讨论,以了解不同的数据类别如何导致不同的生态解释。



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