首页> 外文期刊>Ecological Bulletins >Coarse woody debris, polyporous fungi and saproxylic insects in an old-growth spruce forest in Vodlozero National Park, Russian Karelia

Coarse woody debris, polyporous fungi and saproxylic insects in an old-growth spruce forest in Vodlozero National Park, Russian Karelia


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We measured the amount and quality of coarse woody debris, and surveyed polypores and threatened saproxylic insects in a spruce-dominated old-growth forest in Vodlozero National Park, Russian Karelia - one of the largest remaining areas of virgin forest in northern Europe. The inventory area was 1 km~2. We compared the polypore data from Vodlozero to data that was previously collected in 12 old-growth forest areas (sizes 600— 9100 ha) in eastern Finland using the same inventory method. The average volume of coarse woody debris was 87 m~3ha~(-1) in Vodlozero, and the variation between sites was 52—128 m~3ha~(-1). The number of red-listed polypore species recorded was higher in Vodlozero (23 species) than in any of the areas in eastern Finland (3-20 species, median = 11.5 species). The abundances of red-listed, indicator, and successor polypore species were each over three times higher in Vodlozero than in eastern Finland. The number of red-listed saproxylic insect species found (18) was also strikingly high considering the short inventory period. Since the biogeographic region, climate, and vegetation zone did not differ significantly between the areas, we suggest that the high species richness and abundance of rare species in Vodlozero could be a result of unhindered dispersal and colonization between habitats in a continuous old-growth area as compared with the more fragmented landscape in Finland. The proportion of old-growth forest of the whole landscape was 41% in Vodlozero, whereas in eastern Finland the mean proportion around the inventory areas was 19.4% within a radius of 10 km and 8.6% within 30 km.
机译:我们测量了粗木本碎屑的数量和质量,并在俄罗斯卡累利阿州伏得罗泽罗国家公园(Vodlozero National Park)的一个以云杉为主的老龄森林中调查了多孔和濒临灭绝的昆虫,这些昆虫是北欧最大的原始森林之一。库存面积为1 km〜2。我们将Vodlozero的多孔数据与以前使用相同的清单编制方法在芬兰东部的12个旧林区(600-9100公顷)中收集的数据进行了比较。 Vodlozero的粗木屑平均体积为87 m〜3ha〜(-1),位点之间的变化为52-128 m〜3ha〜(-1)。 Vodlozero(23种)记录在红色列表中的多孔菌种的数量高于芬兰东部的任何地区(3-20种,中位数= 11.5种)。 Vodlozero的红色列出的,指示性的和后继多孔物种的丰富度分别比芬兰东部高三倍以上。考虑到较短的存货期,发现的红色列出的四叶虫类昆虫的数量也很高(18)。由于两个地区之间的生物地理区域,气候和植被带之间没有显着差异,因此我们认为,伏特洛泽罗区高物种丰富度和稀有物种丰富度可能是连续生长区域内生境之间不受阻碍的扩散和定居的结果与芬兰更加分散的景观相比。 Vodlozero的旧景观森林占整个景观的比例为41%,而在芬兰东部,半径10公里以内的库区周围平均比例为19.4%,30公里以内为8.6%。



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