
Editor's Introduction


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The role of good institutions and of an effective legal system in promoting economic prosperity and growth is widely appreciated, leading to efforts to combat corruption by many governments as well as by international agencies such as the World Bank. Less well understood is what kinds of agents engage in corruption. In the case of firms that engage in corrupt behavior, is it due to the personal characteristics of the owners or managers, or can it be explained by the characteristics of the firm itself? In the first paper in this issue, Narek Sahakyan and Kyle W. Stiegert address this issue using data on firms in Armenia, a country that appears to have high levels of corruption. They find that corruption is more "acceptable" and seems to be more beneficial to the firm if the firm faces less competition in product markets, if it is large relative to its peers, and if it is relatively new. However, the personal characteristics of the respondents had much less explanatory power in identifying firms that viewed corruption as beneficial. This suggests that corruption can be attacked by government policies that influence the characteristics of the population of firms.
机译:良好的体制和有效的法律制度在促进经济繁荣和增长中的作用得到了广泛的认可,许多政府以及世界银行等国际机构都在努力打击腐败。对于哪种类型的代理人进行腐败知之甚少。如果公司从事腐败行为,是由于所有者或经理的个人特征引起的,还是可以由公司本身的特征来解释?在本期的第一篇论文中,Narek Sahakyan和Kyle W. Stiegert使用亚美尼亚这个腐败程度很高的国家的公司数据解决了这个问题。他们发现,如果公司在产品市场上面临的竞争较少,相对于同行而言规模较大且相对较新,那么腐败更“可以接受”,并且对公司更有利。但是,被调查者的个人特征在确定认为腐败有益的公司方面缺乏解释力。这表明腐败可能受到影响企业人口特征的政府政策的攻击。



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