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The Sultan of Splat


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We are standing inside the small and somewhat seedy brick and cement bus depot in Gainesville, Florida, waiting for the 3:10 Greyhound to roll in from wherever it's rolling in from, and Mark Hosteller is telling me how all entomologists are weird. This, coming from a man who uses tweezers to pick dead bugs off the windshields of buses. Anyway, it seems Hosteller, a 31-year-old Ph.D. candidate in zoology at the University of Florida, used to live with a bunch of zoologists, all of whom kept various oddball research specimens stored in jars in the communal refrigerator. "So when I was dating," says Hostetler, "one of the indicators of how long a relationship was going to last was the reaction the woman would have when she opened the refrigerator door."
机译:我们正站在佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔的一个有点笨拙的砖混水泥公交车仓库内,等待3:10灵狮从任何驶入的地方驶来,马克·斯泰勒(Mark Hosteller)告诉我,所有昆虫学家都是多么的怪异。这是来自一个用镊子从公交车挡风玻璃上捡拾死虫的人。无论如何,看起来31岁的Ph.D. Hosteller还是佛罗里达大学(University of Florida)的动物学候选人,曾与一群动物学家住在一起,所有这些动物学家都将各种奇怪的研究标本保存在公用冰箱的广口瓶中。 Hostetler说:“所以,当我约会时,一段感情将持续多久的指标之一就是女人打开冰箱门时会有的反应。”



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