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Can a single brain cell recognize Bill Clinton?


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In the neurosurgery ward of the david geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Danny, a stocky 21-year-old college student wearing blue pajamas and sporting a wispy goatee, sits on a bed watching one photo after another flash by on a laptop screen. Several macho movie stars appear in rapid succession, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Seagal, Sylvester Stallone, and Mr. T, the Mohawked brawler who plays Stallone's rival in the boxing film Rocky Ⅲ. At first glance, one might guess that Danny has volunteered for a Hollywood survey: Who's your favorite action hero? In fact, Danny is the real hero. The black cables emerging from the white turban wrapped around his skull hint at his role in investigating a truly profound question: How do thoughts form in the human brain? Danny suffers from epilepsy, and he has had electrodes temporarily implanted into his brain to monitor seizures. Ideally, the electrodes will pinpoint the neural defect triggering his seizures so that the defect can be surgically removed. During the week or so that the electrodes remain in Danny's brain, he has volunteered to participate in experiments aimed at understanding the underpinnings of cognition. Such research is quite rare; for obvious ethical reasons, neuroscientists have few opportunities to gather data from deep inside a living human brain.
机译:在加州大学洛杉矶分校大卫·格芬医学院的神经外科病房中,丹尼(Danny)是一位矮胖的21岁大学生,穿着蓝色睡衣,穿着纤细的山羊胡子,坐在床上看着一张又一张照片在笔记本电脑屏幕上闪烁。几位猛男电影明星相继出现,包括阿诺德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger),史蒂文·西格尔(Steven Seagal),西尔维斯特·史泰龙(Sylvester Stallone)以及在拳击电影《洛奇Ⅲ》中扮演史泰龙对手的莫霍克族斗士T先生。乍一看,也许有人会猜想Danny自愿参加了好莱坞调查:谁是您最喜欢的动作英雄?实际上,丹尼是真正的英雄。包裹在他头盖骨上的白色头巾发出的黑色电缆暗示着他在研究一个真正深刻的问题中的作用:思想在人脑中是如何形成的? Danny患有癫痫病,并且他已经将电极临时植入他的大脑中以监测癫痫发作。理想情况下,电极将指出神经缺损,触发其癫痫发作,以便可以手术切除缺损。在电极停留在丹尼大脑中的一周左右的时间内,他自愿参加了旨在了解认知基础的实验。这样的研究非常罕见。由于明显的伦理原因,神经科学家几乎没有机会从人的大脑内部深处收集数据。



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