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Welcome pwn: Almond smart home hub forensics


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Many home interactive sensors and networked devices are being branded as "Internet of Things" or IoT devices. Such disparate gadgets often have little in common other than that they all communicate using similar protocols. The emergence of devices known as "smart home hubs" allow for such hardware to be controlled by non-technical users providing inexpensive home security and other home automation functions. To the cyber analyst, these smart environments can be a boon to digital forensics; information such as interactions with the devices, sensors registering motion, temperature or moisture levels in different rooms, all tend to be collected in one central location rather than separate ones. This paper presents the research work conducted on one such smart home hub environment, the Securifi Almond+, and provides guidance for forensic data acquisition and analysis of artefacts pertaining to user interaction across the hub, the iPhone/Android companion applications and the local & cloud-based web interfaces. (C) 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of DFRWS.
机译:许多家庭交互式传感器和联网设备被冠以“物联网”或IoT设备的商标。除了它们都使用类似协议进行通信外,这些完全不同的小工具通常没有什么共同点。被称为“智能家庭集线器”的设备的出现允许非技术用户控制此类硬件,从而提供廉价的家庭安全和其他家庭自动化功能。对于网络分析师来说,这些智能环境可以为数字取证带来福音。信息(例如与设备的交互作用,记录不同房间中的运动,温度或湿度水平的传感器)都倾向于收集在一个中央位置而不是单独的位置。本文介绍了在此类智能家居中心环境Securifi Almond +上进行的研究工作,并为取证数据的获取和分析与中心之间的用户交互,iPhone / Android配套应用程序以及本地和云计算相关的伪像提供了指导。基于Web的界面。 (C)2018作者。由Elsevier Ltd代表DFRWS发布。



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