首页> 外文期刊>Diabetes >Hyperglycemia-Induced Embryonic Dysmorphogenesis Correlates With Genomic DNA Mutation Frequency In Vitro and In Vivo

Hyperglycemia-Induced Embryonic Dysmorphogenesis Correlates With Genomic DNA Mutation Frequency In Vitro and In Vivo


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Congenital malformations affecting multiple organ sys- tems are at least three times more common in infants of mothers with IDDM than in infants born to nondiabetic mothers. Numerous studies have confirmed the terato- genic effect of hyperglycemia on the developing embryo, although no direct mechanism has been determined. In this study, we aimed to correlate the frequency of lacI mutations with degree of hyperglycemic exposure and severity of malformations in mouse embryos from in vitro cultures. Day 8 transgenic mouse embryos cul- tured in 30 or 50 mmol/1 glucose for 48 h exhibited a higher incidence of morphological abnormalities, as well as an increase in lacI mutation frequency, com- pared with embryos cultured in 10 mmol/l glucose with no abnormalities and a lower frequency of lacI muta- tions.
机译:IDDM母亲的婴儿中,影响多个器官系统的先天畸形的发生率至少是非糖尿病母亲所生婴儿的三倍。尽管尚未确定直接机制,但大量研究证实了高血糖对发育中的胚胎的致畸作用。在这项研究中,我们旨在将lacI突变的频率与高血糖暴露程度和体外培养小鼠胚胎畸形的严重程度相关联。与在10 mmol / l葡萄糖中培养的胚胎相比,在30或50 mmol / 1葡萄糖中培养48 h的第8天转基因小鼠胚胎的形态异常发生率更高,并且lacI突变频率也更高。没有异常,且诱变频率较低。



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