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The Convention on the Rights of the Child: new attitudes to children


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Children have traditionally been seen as objects of charity rather than subjects of rights. Politicians, professionals and of course parents, have cared for their well-being, but primarily in the spirit of protecting the vulnerable. It was not widely recognized that children also are capable, that they have opinions, that they deserve respect as all other human beings and that they ought to have 'rights'. This is what the movement for child rights wanted to change. It had its roots in campaigns for peace and human rights but also in more traditional and humanitarian organizations working for children's welfare. Its philosophy was inspired by the writings and lives of some outstanding personalities such as Kahlil Gibran, Eglantyne Jebb and Janusz Korczak. The League of Nations adopted a Declaration on the Rights of the Child in 1924 and the United Nations endorsed the text of a somewhat longer declaration in 1959. These were not legally binding.
机译:传统上,儿童被视为慈善的对象,而不是权利的主体。政治家,专业人士以及当然是父母都关心他们的福祉,但主要是出于保护弱势群体的精神。人们还没有普遍认识到,儿童也有能力,有意见,应像所有其他人类一样受到尊重,而且应该拥有“权利”。这就是儿童权利运动想要改变的东西。它的根源在于促进和平与人权的运动,也起源于为儿童福利而努力的传统组织和人道主义组织。它的哲学灵感来自一些杰出人物的著作和生活,例如Kahlil Gibran,Eglantyne Jebb和Janusz Korczak。国际联盟在1924年通过了《儿童权利宣言》,联合国在1959年批准了更长的宣言文本。这些文本没有法律约束力。



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