首页> 外文期刊>Genealogy >From Lanzmann’s Circle of Flames to Bodies in Pain: Anglo-American Holocaust Fiction and Representations of the Gas Chamber

From Lanzmann’s Circle of Flames to Bodies in Pain: Anglo-American Holocaust Fiction and Representations of the Gas Chamber




This article discusses the apparent desire in Anglo-American Holocaust fiction to form a deeper connection to the horror of the Holocaust by recreating scenes of suffering in the gas chamber. Using Elaine Scarry’s The Body in Pain, Alison Landsberg’s theory of ‘prosthetic memory’ and the concept of ‘feeling-with’ as outlined by Sonia Kruks, it discusses the motives underlying these representations and what an audience stands to learn from these bodily encounters with the Holocaust past. The article begins by discussing texts that explore the notions of temporal and emotional distance and the unreachability of the Holocaust dead, while also reflecting the corresponding impulse to reconnect with the murdered by physicalising them as bodies in pain. It then moves on to works that aim to make the experience of death in the gas chamber literally inhabitable for present-day nonwitnesses. In pursuing this argument, the article focuses on six representative texts: Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List (1993), Bryan Singer’s Apt Pupil (1998), Tim Blake Nelson’s The Grey Zone (2001), The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (2006 and 2008, for the book and film respectively), In Paradise (2014) by Peter Matthiessen and Mick Jackson’s Denial (2016).
机译:本文讨论了Anglo-American Holocaust小说中的明显愿望,通过在气室中遭受痛苦的场景来形成与浩劫的恐怖的更深入的联系。使用Elaine Sillry的身体痛苦的身体,艾莉森Landsberg的“假肢记忆”理论和Sonia Kruks概述的“感觉与”的概念,它讨论了这些陈述的主动性以及观众站在这些身体遭遇中学习的内容大屠杀过去。本文始于讨论探索时间和情感距离的概念的文本以及大屠杀死亡的不一定性,同时也反映了相应的冲动,通过将它们作为痛苦的尸体身体体育。然后,它旨在旨在使旨在使天然气室内死亡的经历对当今的非线性居住地居住。在追求这一论点时,文章侧重于六个代表性文本:史蒂文斯皮尔伯格的辛德勒名单(1993年),布莱恩歌手的APT学生(1998),Tim Blake Nelson的灰色区域(2001),条纹睡衣的男孩(2006年和2008年,对于本书和电影分别),在Peter Matthiessen和Mick Jackson的拒绝(2016年)的天堂(2014)。



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