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From Traditional to Transnational: The Chung Family History as a Case Example




A harmonious family of three generations living under one roof is often an assumed image of a Chinese traditional family. In reality, few Chinese families resemble this image. My article uses the Chung family history to illustrate how a family in rural Guangdong, South China, experienced a fast social ascent or descent in one generation. Its history reveals many aspects of Chinese family tradition, such as filial piety, equal inheritance system among sons, or education as an important family agenda. The rise and fall of this family also helps us understand the competitive social environment of Guangdong that sent hundreds of thousand immigrants overseas in the mid-nineteenth and early twentieth century. When some members of the Chung family migrated overseas, other members followed. The Chung lineage, similar to numerous Cantonese immigrant families in America, became transnational in culture.
机译:在一个屋檐下生活的三代的和谐家庭通常是中国传统家庭的假设形象。 实际上,很少有中国家庭相似于此形象。 我的文章使用钟族家族历史来说明广东省乡村农村的家庭在华南,在一代人中经历了快速的社会上升或血统。 其历史揭示了中国家庭传统的许多方面,如孝道,儿子之间的平等继承制度,或教育作为一个重要的家庭议程。 这个家庭的崛起和堕落也有助于我们了解广东竞争社会环境,在十九世纪中期和二十世纪初发出了数十万移民海外。 当钟家庭的一些成员迁移海外时,其他成员遵循。 中弦谱系,类似于美国的众多粤语移民家庭,成为文化中的跨国。



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