首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Statistics and Probability >Temporal Disaggregation Methods in Flow Variables of Economic Data: Comparison Study

Temporal Disaggregation Methods in Flow Variables of Economic Data: Comparison Study




Annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for Nigeria using observed annual time-series data for the period 1981-2012 was studied. Five different econometric disaggregation techniques, namely the Denton, Denton-Cholette, Chow-Lin-maxlog, Fernandez, and Litterman-maxlog, are used for quarterisation. We made use of quarterly Export and Import as the indicator variables while disaggregating annual into quarterly data. The time series properties of estimated quarterly series were examined using various methods for measuring the accuracy of prediction such as, Theil's Inequality Coefficient, Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Absolute Mean Difference (MAD), and Correlation Coefficients. Results obtained showed that export and import are not good indicators for predicting GDP for Nigeria is concerned for the period covered. Denton method proved to be the worst using Mean Absolute Difference (MAD) and Theil’s Inequality Coefficient. However, RSME% and Pearson’s correlation coefficient gave robust values for Litterman-maxlog, thereby making it the best method of temporal disaggregation of Nigeria GDP.
机译:研究了1981 - 2012年期间使用观测的年代时间序列数据的尼日利亚的年度国内生产总值(GDP)。五种不同的计量计量分类技术,即德顿,德顿 - Cholette,Chow-Lin-Maxlog,Fernandez和Litterman-MaxLog用于分公司。我们使用季度出口和进口作为指标变量,同时将年度分解为季度数据。检查估计季度系列的时间序列属性使用各种方法来测量预测的准确性,如本土的不等式系数,根均方平方误差(RMSE),绝对平均差(MAD)和相关系数。获得的结果表明,出口和进出口不是良好指标,以预测尼日利亚国内生产总值关注所涵盖的时期。丹顿方法被证明是使用平均绝对差异(MAD)和Theil的不等式系数最糟糕的。然而,RSME%和Pearson的相关系数给予垃圾箱的强大值,从而使其成为尼日利亚GDP的时间分解的最佳方法。



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