首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Statistics and Probability >The Application of Text Mining Algorithms In Summarizing Trends in Anti-Epileptic Drug Research

The Application of Text Mining Algorithms In Summarizing Trends in Anti-Epileptic Drug Research




Content summarization is an important area of research in traditional data mining. The volume of studies published on anti-epileptic drugs (AED) has increased exponentially over the last two decades, making it an important area for the application of text mining based summarization algorithms. In the current study, we use text analytics algorithms to mine and summarize 10,000 PubMed abstracts related to anti-epileptic drugs published within the last 10 years. A Text Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency based filtering was applied to identify drugs with highest frequency of mentions within these abstracts. The US Food and Drug database was scrapped and linked to the results to quantify the most frequently mentioned modes of action and elucidate the pharmaceutical entities marketing these drugs. A sentiment analysis model was created to score the abstracts for sentiment positivity or negativity. Finally, a modified Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic model was generated to extract key topics associated with the most frequently mentioned AEDs. We found the top five most common drugs that appeared from the analysis were Gabapentin, Levetiracetam, Topiramate, Lamotrigine and Acetazolamide. We further listed the key topics associated with these drugs and the overall positive or negative sentiment associated with them. Results of this study provide accurate and data intensive insights on the progress of anti-epileptic drug research.
机译:内容摘要是传统数据挖掘中的重要研究领域。在过去的二十年中,对抗癫痫药物(AED)发表的研究的体积增加了呈指数级增长,使其基于文本挖掘的摘要算法应用了一个重要领域。在目前的研究中,我们使用文本分析算法来挖掘,总结了过去10年内发表的抗癫痫药物的10,000份摘要。应用文本频率 - 逆文档频率的滤波,以识别这些摘要中具有最高频率的药物。美国食品和药物数据库被报废并与结果相关联,以量化最常见的行动模式,并阐明制药实体营销这些药物。创建了一种情绪分析模型,以获得诸如情感积极性或消极性的摘要。最后,生成修改的潜在Dirichlet分配主题模型以提取与最常见的AED相关联的关键主题。我们发现从分析中出现的前五种最常见的药物是加巴亨坦,Levetiracetam,托吡嗪,乳草嗪和乙酰唑胺。我们进一步列出了与这些药物相关的关键主题以及与他们相关的整体积极或负面情绪。该研究的结果为抗癫痫药物研究进展提供了准确和数据密集的深入见解。



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