首页> 外文期刊>Plastic Surgery Case Studies >Survival of a Free Jejunal Flap with Early Venous Obstruction

Survival of a Free Jejunal Flap with Early Venous Obstruction




Free jejunal flap transfer is common in head and neck reconstruction, but necrosis remains a complication. A 77-year-old man underwent total pharyngo-laryngo-esophagectomy, bilateral neck dissection, and free jejunal flap transfer. We anastomosed 3 arteries (facial, transverse cervical, and superior thyroid) and 1 vein (jejunal) because the recipient site’s arterial status was poor. On day 2, ultrasonography and visualization revealed that the anastomosed vein was obstructed in the cranial jejunum but the remainder was viable. The region recovered by day 7 and the patient began oral intake on day 30. Ultrasonography revealed that the anastomosed jejunal vein showed no waveform, the facial and transverse cervical arteries showed arterial waveforms, and the superior thyroid artery showed a retrograde venous waveform. The flap had survived because the blood exited through the superior thyroid artery and vein. Thus, additional vascular and arterial anastomoses are options for free flap survival if the vascular status is poor.
机译:免费的Jejunal皮瓣转移在头部和颈部重建中常见,但坏死仍然是一个并发症。一个77岁的男子经历了总咽喉 - 喉食管切除术,双侧颈部解剖和自由的JEUNAL PLAP转移。我们吻合3个动脉(面部,横向宫颈和高级甲状腺)和1静脉(JEJUNAL),因为受体遗址的动脉地位差。在第2天,超声检查和可视化显示吻合静脉在颅内jejunum被阻塞,但其余的是可行的。在第7天恢复的区域和患者在第30天开始口服摄入。超声检查显示,吻合的JEUNAL静脉显示出没有波形,面部和横向宫颈动脉显示出动脉波形,并且上甲状腺动脉显示出逆行静脉波形。襟翼幸存下来,因为通过优质的甲状腺动脉和静脉排出的血液。因此,如果血管状态差,额外的血管和动脉吻合术是免费瓣存活的选择。



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