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The Japanese Version of the General Procrastination Scale: Factor Structure Differences in an Asian Population




The purpose of this study was to assess the Japanese version of General Procrastination Scale (J-GPS) previously created by Hayashi (2007), with a large, varied sample of Japanese adults. The paper-and-pencil surveys were distributed to Japanese people who lived in the large-, medium-, and small-sized cities who lived in Japan. Participants were recruited by the first author during a two-month period. The final sample was 2,564 Japanese citizens: 1,048 (40.9%) men and 1,516 (59.1%) women with a mean age of 44.3 years old (SD = 1.91). Participants reported demographic information including age, gender, marital status, married years, number of children, educational status, occupational types, worked years, living areas, whether considering themselves as procrastinator, and whether others considering them as procrastinator. Results showed that a two-factor solution was the best fit, duplicating studies with Turkish, Italian, and Greek populations, but in contrast to a uni-dimensional structure suggested originally by Lay (1986) or adapted in Spanish sample. Moreover, we investigated rates of self-reported procrastination in relation to a collective culture, which has mixed individualistic tendencies. Participants with strong individualistic tendencies were not significantly different on J-GPS scores, compared to those with little tendencies on individualistic characteristics. Our results added significant evidence to previous studies of General Procrastination. Future research in non-English speaking countries, especially in Asian countries, using a general procrastination measure might be helpful for further comparison to ascertain cultural differences in task delay perception.
机译:本研究的目的是评估以前由Hayashi(2007)创建的日本版本的一般拖延规模(J-GPS),具有大型,各种日本成年人。纸张和铅笔调查分发给生活在日本住在日本的大型,中小型和小型城市的日本人。参与者在为期两个月的时间内由第一作者招募。最终样品为2,564名日本公民:1,048名(40.9%)男性和1,516名(59.1%)妇女,平均年龄为44.3岁(SD = 1.91)。与会者报告了包括年龄,性别,婚姻状况,结婚年份,儿童数量,教育状况,职业类型,工作年份,生活区的人数,无论是拖延者,以及其他人是否将其视为拖延者。结果表明,双因素解决方案是与土耳其语,意大利和希腊人口最合适的,复制的研究,但与最初由Lay(1986)建议的单维结构相反,或者在西班牙语样本中进行了相反的结构。此外,我们调查了与集体文化有关的自我报告拖延的率,这些趋势混合了个性化趋势。与人主主义特征较小的人员相比,具有强大个人主义趋势的参与者对J-GPS分数没有显着差异。我们的成果为先前的一般拖延的研究添加了重要的证据。非英语国家的未来研究,特别是在亚洲国家,使用一般拖延措施可能有助于进一步比较,以确定任务延迟感知的文化差异。



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