首页> 外文期刊>Asian Journal of Urology >Radical cystoprostatectomy with orthotopic neobladder for a case of treatment emergent neuroendocrine prostate cancer presenting as bladder mass with hematuria–a rare instance of tumor remission after local control

Radical cystoprostatectomy with orthotopic neobladder for a case of treatment emergent neuroendocrine prostate cancer presenting as bladder mass with hematuria–a rare instance of tumor remission after local control

机译:具有原位新细胞的自由基半胱氨酸切除术,用于治疗突出神经内分泌前列腺癌作为血尿的膀胱肿块 - 局部控制后的肿瘤缓解罕见的实例



Treatment emergent neuroendocrine prostate cancer (t- NEPC) is most commonly observed after development of resistance to androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) and is associated with rapid progression and widespread metasta- ses with survival less than 1 year from diagnosis [1]. Man- agement of this disease is mainly through cytotoxic chemotherapy and there is no published evidence of treating the primary prostatic lesion in this stage of the disease, unlike that of localized prostate cancer or castrate sensitive metastatic prostate cancer [2]. In this letter, we report the only known case of t-NEPC who presented with an initial diagnosis of bladder urothelial carcinoma and was treated by early radical surgery and chemotherapy, which led to long- term disease control and preservation of quality of life.
机译:治疗突出神经内分泌前列腺癌(T-Nepc)在发育雄激素剥夺治疗(ADT)的抗性后,最常见的是观察到,并且与诊断中的快速进展和普遍存在的转移相关[1]。 这种疾病的人主要是通过细胞毒性化疗,并且没有公布的疾病治疗原代前前列病变的证据,与局部前列腺癌或阉割敏感的转移前列腺癌不同的情况不同[2]。 在这封信中,我们报告了唯一已知的T-Nepc病例,其呈现膀胱尿路上皮癌的初步诊断,并通过早期自由基手术和化疗治疗,从而导致了长期疾病控制和保护生活质量。



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