首页> 外文期刊>Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review >THE STATUS OF WOMEN IN HIGHER EDUCATION:EMERGING CHALLENGES





Women in the Vedic ages not only received their due recognition in society but also got equal treatment in the matter of educational training. Education of women remained somewhat neglected during the British period. However, as society became orthodox, there was change in their status. They were confined to the four walls of kitchen and occupied in rearing children. Men became bread winners and it was considered necessary for them to be educated. The roles of men and women were thus separated. But now the social scene has considerably changed. Women all over the world are being educated in almost every field that men were so far normally associated with. The knowledge of arts, science, technology and politics is no longer the privilege of men alone. Women have begun to study these subjects and have brought great credit to themselves and their nation by contributing actively in those fields. As a result every school is now conscious of imparting education to girls. Education of women can be helpful in eradicating many social evils such as dowry problem, unemployment problem, etc. Social peace can easily be established. Women education and empowerment are the indicators of development. Women education ensures the holistic and long development. The present paper focuses on status and importance of Women Education in the state of Telangana through analysing cases of few Government, Private and Corporate Colleges and it also studies the reasons for the dropouts of women in access of higher education. The constitution ensures equal status of women under Article 14 and also empowers the state to adapt measures of positive discrimination in favour of women. The Government of India is also monitoring the progress of women and girls by providing them with socio-economic support through multiple public policies and legislation. Higher Education is the shared responsibility of both the Centre and the States. The coordination and determination of standards in institutions is the constitutional obligation of the Central Government. The Central Government provides grants to UGC and establishes Central Universities in the country. Meritorious students, from families with or without necessary means, need an incentive or encouragement to keep on working hard in their studies and go to the next level of education in their academic career. Education-basic, functional or digital, always enlightens a person from the darkness of ignorance and innocence. Awareness about importance of cleanliness, good habits and knowledge about various disciplines helps a woman to support her family and groom her children as better citizens of the society. The present paper focuses on status and importance of Women Education in India through analysing cases study Higher Education in Telanagana.



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