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School-based vision screening in Quetta, Pakistan: a qualitative study of experiences of teachers and eye care providers




Visual impairment in children is a significant public health problem affecting millions of children globally. Many eye problems experienced by children can be easily diagnosed and treated. We conducted a qualitative study with teachers and optometrists involved in a school-based vision screening programme in Quetta district of Pakistan to explore their experiences of training, vision screening and referrals and to identify factors impacting on the effectiveness of the programme. Between April 2018 and June 2018, we conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews with 14 teachers from eight purposefully selected schools with high rates of inaccurate (false positive) referrals. Interviews were also conducted with three optometrists from a not-for profit private eye care hospital that had trained the teachers. Interviews were audio recorded and professionally transcribed. NVIVO software version 12 was used to code and thematically analyze the data. Findings suggest that the importance of school-based vision screening was well understood and appreciated by the teachers and optometrists. Most participants felt that there was a strong level of support for the vision screening programme within the participating schools. However, there were a number of operational issues undermining the quality of screening. Eight teachers felt that the duration of the training was insufficient; the training was rushed; six teachers said that the procedures were not sufficiently explained, and the teachers had no time to practice. The screening protocol was not always followed by the teachers. Additionally, many teachers reported being overburdened with other work, which affected both their levels of participation in the training and the time they spent on the screening. School-based vision screening by teachers is a cost-effective strategy to detect and treat children’s vision impairment early on. In the programme reviewed here however, a significant number of teachers over referred children to ophthalmic services, overwhelming their capacity and undermining the efficiency of the approach. To maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of school-based screening, future initiatives should give sufficient attention to the duration of the teacher training, experience of trainers, support supervision, refresher trainings, regular use of the screening guidelines, and the workload and motivation of those trained.
机译:儿童视力障碍是一项影响全球数百万儿童的重要公共卫生问题。儿童经历的许多眼睛问题可以很容易地诊断和治疗。我们对教师和验光师进行了一项定性研究,参与了巴基斯坦奎达地区的学校视觉筛查计划,探讨了他们培训,视觉筛选和转介的经验,并确定了对该计划有效性的因素。在2018年4月至2018年6月期间,我们对来自八所专业的学校的14名教师进行了半结构化的深入访谈,具有高率(假阳性)推荐的高率。访谈也被三个验证私人眼科医院的三个验光师进行了培训的。访谈是录制和专业转录的音频。 NVIVO软件版本12用于代码和主题分析数据。调查结果表明,教师和验光师的校本视野筛查的重要性得到了很好的理解和赞赏。大多数参与者认为,参与学校内的视觉筛查计划有很强的支持。但是,有一些破坏筛选质量的操作问题。八位教师觉得培训的持续时间不足;训练赶紧;六位教师表示,该程序没有得到充分解释,教师没有时间练习。筛查协议并不总是遵循教师。此外,许多教师报告称与其他工作负担过重,这影响了它们的参与水平以及他们在筛查中所花费的时间。教师的校本视野筛选是一种经济实惠的策略,可提前检测和治疗儿童视觉障碍。然而,在该计划中,此处审查,大量的教师对眼科服务的推荐,压倒性并破坏了方法的效率。为了最大限度地提高校本筛查的有效性和效率,未来的举措应该足够地关注教师培训的持续时间,培训师的经验,支持监督,复习,经常使用筛选指南,以及那些的工作量和动机训练。



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