首页> 外文期刊>Risk Management and Healthcare Policy >Health-Related Quality of Life and Associated Factors Among Adult Patients with Heart Failure in Wolaita Zone Governmental Hospitals, Southern Ethiopia

Health-Related Quality of Life and Associated Factors Among Adult Patients with Heart Failure in Wolaita Zone Governmental Hospitals, Southern Ethiopia




Background:Knowing how heart failure affects patients' quality of life and its associated factors are crucial for a better patient-centred approach and management. Therefore, this study aims to assess health-related quality of life and its associated factors among adult heart failure patients in southern Ethiopia hospitals.Methods:The facility-based cross-sectional study design was conducted in Wolaita zone governmental hospitals from March to April 2018. The population was all adult heart failure patients in the chronic illness follow-up clinic and inpatient department. All adult heart failure patients on follow-up clinic and inpatient departments who have at least a 6-month follow-up were included in the study. In contrast, patients who had chronic comorbidities were excluded from the study. Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ) tool was used to measure the outcome variable health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Interviews and client medical record reviews also collected socio-demographic, clinical and behavioural characteristics of participants. The data were analyzed using STATA version 14, and multiple linear regression analysis with P-value 0.05 was used to measure the degree of association between HRQoL and independent variables.Results:A total of 372 patients participated in the study. The HRQoL score for the physical, emotional, and total were 22.2, 7.7, and 46.37, respectively. HRQoL was significantly associated with gender, age, family size, occupation, residency, and recent admission within the past six months, New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class, department of treatment, salt intake, and health perception.Conclusion:Generally, the HRQoL for patients with heart failure was found to be low. Besides the variables age and gender of participants, family size, occupation, residency, admission history, salt intake, and NYHA class were significant factors for the HRQoL of patients with heart failure.? 2021 Molla et al.
机译:背景:了解心力衰竭如何影响患者的生活质量,其相关因素对于更好的患者为中心的方法和管理是至关重要的。因此,本研究旨在评估埃塞俄比亚南部南部成人心力衰竭患者的健康状生活质量及其相关因素。方法:从2018年3月到4月的Wolaita区政府医院进行了基于设施的横断面研究设计。人口是慢性疾病后续诊所和住院部门的成人心力衰竭患者。研究中包含至少6个月后续行动的后续诊所和住院部门的所有成人心力衰竭患者。相比之下,患有慢性起理性的患者被排除在研究之外。明尼苏达州与心力衰竭问卷(MLHFQ)工具用于衡量结果变量健康相关的生活质量(HRQOL)。访谈和客户医疗记录评论也收集了参与者的社会人口,临床和行为特征。使用STATA版本14分析数据,以及具有P值的多元线性回归分析。 0.05用于测量HRQOL和独立变量之间的关联程度。结果:共有372名患者参加了该研究。物理,情绪和总量的HRQOL分别分别为22.2,7.7和46.37。 HRQOL与过去六个月内的性别,年龄,家庭规模,职业,居住,居住,纽约心脏协会(NYHA)功能阶层,治疗部,盐摄入和健康感知部门有关。结论:一般,发现心力衰竭患者的HRQOL很低。除了变量年龄和参与者的性别,家庭规模,职业,居住,录取历史,盐摄入和NYHA类是心力衰竭患者HRQOL的重要因素。 2021 molla等。



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