首页> 外文期刊>Risk Management and Healthcare Policy >The Effects of the Health System Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic on Chronic Disease Management: A Narrative Review

The Effects of the Health System Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic on Chronic Disease Management: A Narrative Review




Background:Individuals with chronic conditions require ongoing disease management to reduce risks of adverse health outcomes. During the COVID-19 pandemic, health care for non-COVID-19 cases was affected due to the reallocation of resources towards urgent care for COVID-19 patients, resulting in inadequate ongoing care for chronic conditions.Methods:A keyword search was conducted in PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, and Scopus for English language articles published between January 2020 and January 2021.Findings:During the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person care for individuals with chronic conditions have decreased due to government restriction of elective and non-urgent healthcare visits, greater instilled fear over potential COVID-19 exposure during in-person visits, and higher utilization rates of telemedicine compared to the pre-COVID-19 period. Potential benefits of a virtual-care framework during the pandemic include more effective routine disease monitoring, improved patient satisfaction, and increased treatment compliance and follow-up rates. However, more needs to be done to ensure timely and effective access to telemedicine, particularly for individuals with lower digital literacy. Capitation primary care models have been proposed as a more financially-robust approach during the COVID-19 pandemic than fee-for-service primary care models; however, the interplay between different primary models and the health outcomes is still poorly understood and warrants further investigation. Shortages of medication used to manage chronic conditions were also observed at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic due to global supply chain disruptions. Finally, patients with chronic conditions faced lifestyle disruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically in physical activity, sleep, stress, and mental health, which need to be better addressed.Interpretation:Overall, this review elucidates the disproportionately greater barriers to primary and specialty care that patients with chronic diseases face during the COVID-19 pandemic and emphasizes the urgent need for better chronic disease management strategies moving forward.? 2021 Kendzerska et al.
机译:背景:具有慢性病症的个体需要持续的疾病管理,以减少不利健康结果的风险。在Covid-19大流行期间,由于对Covid-19患者的迫切护理的资源重新分配资源,对非Covid-19案件的医疗保健受到影响,导致慢性条件的持续护理不足。方法:关键字搜索PubMed,Google Scholar,Science Direct,以及2月2020年1月2021年1月2021年1月2021年1月2021年的英语语言的Scopus - 在亲自访问期间,对潜在的Covid-19暴露进行了更大的医疗保健,令人恐惧,与Pre-Covid-19期间,远程杂项的利用率更高。在大流行期间虚拟护理框架的潜在好处包括更有效的常规疾病监测,改善患者满意度,以及增加的治疗顺应性和后续率。然而,更多需要进行以确保及时有效地访问远程医疗,特别是对于具有较低数字素养的个人。在Covid-19大流行期间,已经提出了初级保健模型的初级保健模型,而不是服务费用初级保健模型;然而,不同初级模型与健康结果之间的相互作用仍然明白并认可进一步调查。由于全球供应链中断,在Covid-19流行的开始,还观察到用于管理慢性病的药物短缺。最后,慢性病患者面临着生活方式因Covid-19大流行,特别是身体活动,睡眠,压力和心理健康的患者,需要更好地解决。诠释:总体而言,本综述阐明了对小学的不成比例更大的障碍和专业护理,慢性疾病在Covid-19大流行期间面临的患者,强调迫切需要更好的慢性疾病管理战略前进。 2021 kendzerska等。



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