首页> 外文期刊>Minerva anestesiologica >A randomized trial comparing the Ambu? Aura-i? and the Ambu? Aura Gain? laryngeal mask as conduit for tracheal intubation in children

A randomized trial comparing the Ambu? Aura-i? and the Ambu? Aura Gain? laryngeal mask as conduit for tracheal intubation in children

机译:一个随机试验比较ambu? Aura-i? 和ambu? Aura收益? 喉部面具作为儿童气管插管的导管



The Ambu Aura Gain is a newer second-generation supraglottic airway device designed for fibreoptic bronchoscopy (FOB)-guided tracheal intubation. METHODS: 57 patients between 18 months and six years of age were randomized to receive either the Ambu Aura-I (N.=29) or the Ambu Aura Gain (N.=28). Primary endpoint was the time for intubation. Secondary endpoints were the time and number of attempts for device insertion, the feasibility of FOB-guided intubation, the oropharyngeal leak pressure (OLP) the fibreoptic grade of laryngeal view and possible complications. RESULTS: No difference was found in the time for intubation, the time for device insertion or the fibreoptic grade of laryngeal view. First-attempt device insertion was successful in all (N.=28) patients with Aura Gain (100%) and in 27 (97%) with Aura-i. In the Aura-i group one insertion failed. A significant difference in successful intubation was seen between the Aura-i and the Aura Gain (79% vs. 100%, respectively, P=0.0011). Also found was a significant difference in the mean OLP (SD) between the Ambu Aura-i and the Ambu Aura Gain (18 [3] vs. 20 [3] cmH2O, respectively; mean difference [MD] 2 cmH2O; P=0.005). CONCLUSIONS: The Ambu Aura Gain served as a reliable device for FOB-guided tracheal intubation. Even if the time for intubation, when intubation was possible did not differ, the Aura-i showed only 79% intubation success, making it a doubtful device for FOB-guided tracheal intubation in cases of emergency and severe hypoxemia in small children.
机译:AMBU Aura Gain是一个较新的第二代Suglottic气道设计,专为纤维电光支气管镜检查(FOB) - 指导气管插管而设计。方法:57名患者在18个月和六年之间随机分配,接受AMBU Aura-I(N. = 29)或AMBU Aura Gain(N. = 28)。主要端点是插管的时间。次要终点是装置插入的时间和次数,FOB引导插管的可行性,口咽泄漏压力(OLP)喉视图的纤维级和可能的并发症。结果:在插管时没有发现差异,设备插入的时间或喉视图的纤维光学等级。第一次尝试装置插入全部(N. = 28)Aura增益(100%)和27(97%)的患者成功,具有Aura-i。在Aura-I组中,一个插入失败。在Aura-I和Aura增益之间看到成功插管的显着差异(分别为79%,P = 0.0011)。也发现AMBU Aura-I和AMBU Aura增益(分别为21mH2O的AMBu Aura增益(18 [3] CmH2O之间的平均OLP(SD)差异是显着差异;平均差异[MD] 2 CMH2O; P = 0.005 )。结论:AMBU Aura获得了一种可靠的FOB引导气管插管装置。即使插管时间,插管可能没有差异,Aura-I也只有79%的插管成功,使其成为小孩紧急和严重缺氧血症患者中的FOB引导气管插管的怀疑装置。



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