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Commentary: Raw Cow Milk Consumption and Atopic March




We have appreciated the interest of Dr Baars et al. in our paper describing dietary prevention of atopic march (AM) in children affected by cow milk allergy (CMA) (1). They claimed a lack of information on raw cow milk (unpasteurized cow milk) in our paper. In support of this point, they mentioned the result of a pilot study involving nine CMA children (2) that were able to tolerate up to 50 mL of raw milk (about 1,750 mg of cow milk proteins). This result was not confirmed by a similar study where five children with IgE-mediated CMA were orally challenged in a doubleblind fashion with raw untreated cow milk, pasteurized cow milk, and homogenized/pasteurized cow milk. An extensively hydrolysed casein formula served as placebo. All patients presented significant allergic reactions from the consumption of the above three types of milk, whereas no adverse reactions to placebo were observed. The authors concluded that children with CMA cannot tolerate raw or pasteurized milk (3). Although, selected components of raw milk may potentially influence the immune system, proof based on controlled studies in children are still lacking (4). The authors of the PARSIFAL study concluded that raw cow milk may contain numerous diseasecausing pathogens and that consumption of raw milk cannot be recommended as a preventive measure for allergy (5). Accordingly, none of the claims made by the raw milk advocates (including the postulated preventive effect against allergy) withstand the FDA scientific scrutiny (6).



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